2020 Musical Odyssey

UPDATE 11/21/2020: This was a failed project. I kept it going for 6 weeks and then sort of let it slip for the rest of the year. Can’t even blame it on Covid-19 – this would have been an easy-peasy thing to do in lockdown. Guess it was just not important enough. I may attempt again someday (with an improved way to make entries – this updating the same page thing was a little clunky). But I think this is done for now.

One of my intentions for 2020 is to listen to at least on new (to me) music album every week. This post is where I will record my progress. The “recommended by” for the most part are recommendations for the artist – not always (but sometimes) recommendations for the particular album.

WKAlbumArtistRecommended ByImpressions

Sleep Well Beast The National Karen R, Mace D It was interesting. Voice similar to Leonard Cohen. Liked Walk It Back and I’ll Still Destroy You the best.
1High VioletThe NationalMace D, Karen RThis one did less for me than the Sleep Well Beast. If I had to choose a favorite song from the album it would probably be Bloodbuzz Ohio.
2AimsVienna TengSaeri G, Karen RI like this artist and plan to listen to more of her music. I think my favorite on this album would probably vary by what mood I were in, but for now, I’ll say, Close to Home.
3Cuz I Love YouLizzoRae M, Maria AGreat, powerful voice, powerful lyrics, and very dance-able beat. Will probably listen to more. Still deciding on favorite.
4My Head is an AnimalOf Monsters and MenTracy F, Karen R, David SLiked it, but I think that I wouldn’t binge listen to this because although I think the femme voice is beautiful, I think I’d only consider it so in small doses. Favorite of the album is Six Weeks.
5When We Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? Billie EilishThe GrammysEven though I don’t think anyone gave me a recommendation for this artist, I figured I’d have to check her out given her killing at the Grammys. This artist is my absolute favorite so far this year. I will definitely listen to this album again and again, and will check out her other work. A few of the songs I loved were: bad guy, all the good girls go to hell, my strange addiction, and listen before i go.
5TakkSigur RosRoss M.I think I’d really need to be in a particular mood for this. Or maybe 25 years ago when I was kind of into “new age” music. Now I just find it kind of monotonous. 🙁 I really hoped to enjoy Icelandic music, because I really enjoyed Iceland. Sigh.
6RammsteinRamsteinKat D.I would definitely listen to this again – and others by this artist. Love the voice. It makes me really wish I knew me some German.
6The Bifrost IncidentThe MechanismsAndy S.This was very interesting. I want to see the movie! (Not that there IS a movie – it’s just very narrative/cinematic). I’ll definitely try more by this group. I’ll also recommend it to my spawn – I think he might like it.

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