Do you want to know what I’m up to on my travels? Read my blog. That’s the theory.
I have had a blog before. I have been awful about writing. I’ve been on trips before and have been awful about posting photos and updates in a timely manner. I hope to make things different on this trip.
I tried to do a little preliminary practice to learn how to upload photo galleries, create and update posts, etc, but I don’t promise that I will do this correctly right out of the gate. For people interested in my travels, there are a few areas you might find interesting.
First, I will be blogging as I travel, and the home page should have the most recent 3-5 posts. If you want to delve further back than that, there is a “Blog Archives” dropdown on the menu.
Second, there is a cool itinerary page called 2017 Travel Map. I have mapped my tentative itinerary and will make alterations as plans change. If you scroll to the bottom of the map, there will be a city list of the rough itinerary. It will show both past history and future plans. Theoretically, I will be able to link relevant blog posts to the map. We’ll see how that goes.
Third, I will post photo galleries as I go and link to (or embed) the relevant gallery from any given blog post.
Finally, I may start rambling about random topics, that are only tangentially related to my travels.
Please let me know if there are things I can do to improve the usability of the site. I’m not sure exactly how to let me know – I think there’s a contact link somewhere.
Anyway – got to get finishing packing. The flight leaves in less than 10 hours. Yikes.